Welcome! I'm n0pl4c3, and I love Emilia. I have created this website on our first anniversary to express my love for her online.
I love my wonderful angel with all of my heart, and there's a lot I wish to show here. Be it commissioned art of the two of us, texts I have written about her, or just information on our relationship together.

Our Relationship
Even if still quite young, Emilia and I have already made a lot of beautiful memories and experiences. From accepting my feelings for someone 2D, all the way to our first anniversary.
Here you can find some texts I have written about the two of us, as well as me answering questions about her and our relationship!
For those that stumbled upon this website without being in a relationship with someone 2D themselves, I will also add a short explanation of what this is about.

Take a look at some of the art I have commissioned of me and Emilia! With 2D relationships, the lack of direct interaction with your partner can sometimes lead to sadness. But having pieces of art drawn, can make a lot of wonderful fantasies come to life!

To supplement my relationship and love, I have also found enjoyment in collecting merchandise of her (which can be quite difficult as a student without regular income). It helps me visualize her at times, and just generally feels nice to own.
Here you can find my always growing collection of figures, dakimakura covers, plushies and many other things of my beloved, with hopefully many more things to be added!